Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is there any end to Terrorism ???

Terrorism is now the word of day, no day passed until one hear or face terror in any form. The serial bomb blast in the pink city of India, jaipur is the recent terrorist act which killed 61 people , injured 100 odd people and affected many thousand lives. Some terrorist group took the responsibility and add one more feather to their jehadi moment, while other condemned the act, while politicians offers consolation prize to the families who's loved ones are now dead without any reason. Nower days terrorist is not restricted to single country or zone. No body can forget 90-s Kashmir/Punjab struggle, 9/11 attack, and many such horrendous past terrorist acts.

But question arises Will there be any end to terrorism? Will our future generation will live in an environment which is terror free? Who is responsible for this act, the one of instigate it or the one who implement it. These questions still mesmerize me.

Terrorist are not born but they are made living bombs, their minds are brain washed to such an extent, that they don't even think even for a second while perfoming ghastly act of terrorism.
From my opinion each and every body is responsible for the terrorist act, from affluent countries to religious leaders. The affluent countries like US which carried out 2 wars in 5 years, turned countries into rubbles and made human civilization suvival difficult in those region. So after the war the young people over there don't have the choice but to show rebel against the mighty forces of US, in the form of terrorism. But in any way, this act cannot be justified by any body, even though you are supressed your are not allowed to take lives of other.

But how can we end this terrorism, for sure we cannot end it, by imposing some terrorist laws because that seems to be a temporary solution for some kind of an everlasting problem. We can end by educating youth, by taking united stand even against the affluent countries and let them know that what they are doing is against the humanity. This may seems to be long process of ending terrorism, but it may be step towards the ending of terrrorism. I hope we can end it one day.

Mohit Kumar

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