Saturday, June 6, 2009

Europride 2009, Zurich : There is a Gay in everyone

Europride is an anual event which is celeberate in europe by gays, lesbians and bisexual people living across the globe. This year, Zurich host the Europride 09. Celeberating 40 years of pride is the motto of Europride 09. It felicitates the gay rights movement that formed 40 years ago.
From. my opinion, its really a nice concept, though gays are not acceptable in anywhere, but they have there own life to live on. They have every right to choose their partner, and love them. So, what if they cannot reproduce, but reproduction is not the only thing for which man and women are here on earth. I hope, this movement should not be restricted to europe alone, but should be celeberated across globe, with greater acceptance from people.

Find below official commercial of Europride 09.

Check the video of Europride 09 Zurich.

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